Hi, my name is Alfredo Navas, better known as el.puas , I am a Web Artisan based in the beautiful Costa Rica.

I run a small workshop of Web Design & Development, I specialize in custom WordPress Development & The JAMStack with GatsbyJS.

I also help my local community as a organizer/speaker of the MeetUp Group and Gatsby Latinamerica Facebook Group, organizer and speaker of WordCamp San Jose, volunteer and speaker of several camps and conference across the globe, that include WordCamp US, WordCamp MIA, WordCamp Managua, WordCamp CDMX, WordPress Rome MeetUp, JavaScript for WordPress, GatsbyConf to mention a few. 🔥

Occasional Writer, I like to write about latest trends, new tech, mostly related to WordPress, GatsbyJS or JavaScript. Take a look at my Blog here.

From WordPress To Gatsby and MDX

WordPress I'm a developer that specialize in WordPress and have been working with it for the last 10 - 12 years, I strongly believe that…


WordCamp MIA 10th Anniversary

This Year was the 10th Anniversary of WordCamp Miami, it has a very special meaning for me since my first camp ever was #WCMIA 3 years ago…


Revolution 2-17

The spinning movement is called Earth's rotation. At the same time that the Earth spins on its axis, it also orbits, or revolves around the…

© 2021, Built with Gatsby by El.Puas