Revolution 2-17

Author: Alfredo Navas

The spinning movement is called Earth's rotation. At the same time that the Earth spins on its axis, it also orbits, or revolves around the Sun. This movement is called revolution.

This is my first year review ever, and one of the important aspects to write this is to keep me focus on my goals for my next trip around the sun.

Both personal and professional, this year was a rollercoaster, to much to be thankful and humble, meet awesome people, and have a lot of fun.

Professionally this year, I learn a lot, my dev and problem solver skills grow a lot, and personal, with the coming of my third son, I'm more close to dominate the art of time managing.

I hit 3 WordCamps and organize WordCamp San Jose, first WordCamp Miami as a volunteer, WordCamp Managua as a Speaker and I end the Year hitting WordCamp US as a volunteer too.

Meet awesome people along the way, (you all know who you are ❤️);

Beginning of June I start to work on a very cool company SeeSaw Labs, a digital agency based on Austin Texas.

I was looking for more challenging projects, to improve my dev skills, joining SeeSaw Labs was one of the best choices I made this year.

With them I’m involved in very cool projects, working 100% remote it also add some extra skills need it to improve, specially how I manage time.

I Love WordPress, I simple do, this year I meet wonderful people and learn a lot from the WordPress Community.

Locally our local WordPress Community did more than 60 Meetups, we hit a 1000 members and have an awesome WordCamp.

I also with the help of my local government Had the chance to teach WordPress to a local group of entrepreneurs woman’s, giving back to my community is something very enrich-full

So I came up with this so call hit list for 2018

Learn: JavaScript Deeply, Gutenberg Blocks, React and React Native, build my first Headless WordPress - React - PWA - Theme, hit 5 WordCamps and most specially enjoy every single day of this awesome thing calling Life.

I said goodbye to 2017 with nothing more than: Thank you all for been part of my life on this road trip. Peace ❤️

PD. I'm also working on improving my English Writing so please sorry for my Bad grammar 🙌🏻.

If you liked what I wrote and find it useful in some way, I consume large amounts of coffee.😊:

Buy Me A Coffee
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