WordCamp MIA 10th Anniversary

Author: Alfredo Navas

This Year was the 10th Anniversary of WordCamp Miami, it has a very special meaning for me since my first camp ever was #WCMIA 3 years ago, it introduce me to a marvelous community, a bunch of good friends, and WordPress knowledge.

As one of the active members of the community in Costa Rica and a WordCamp San Jose Organizer, volunteer in WordCamp Miami has teach me a lot on how to handle our community.

This year was my turn on registration table and it was a awesome to see how can they process 500 people in less than hour, the person in charge Jim Wells did a wonderful work, hopefully i can apply that on our camp this year since we are expecting at least 500 attendees.

I attend the Javascript Workshop on Friday, to learn how to apply the new WP editor aka 'Gutenberg'. The workshop was conducted by Brian Richards, with an introduction from Greg Ziółkowski Code Wrangler at Automattic, and my good friends Zac Gordon & Josh Pollock. it was very enrichful to know how Gutenberg works and how you can create your own custom blocks.

Day 1 and 2 were awesome, especially Day 2 on developers track since it was devoted entirely to Javascript, if you missed the Camp or any Track, check out WordPress TV, they will have all talks there.


I'll been a WordPress Developer for the last 12 years, and this year i have the opportunity to meet wonderful people that work at Automattic, the Jetpack & Gutenberg Team, and for the first time i meet Matt Mullenweg in Person, what an honor, also i was lucky to meet in person one of my heroes John Maeda, which whom I have a very enrifull talk.

My Good Friends Zac, Josh, Christie, James, Vincent, Tara Claeys from Hallways Chats, Alex Juchniewicz from Jilt, Karla Campos who give me the opportunity in his live show to talk a little about our upcoming camp here in Costa Rica,  Rodrigo Donini who gives an amazing talk about Interacting With WordPress w/ Raspberry Pi + REST API, the people over Siteground that give me an awesome present (Thank you for That!), my friends over Bluehost and many many more!

Overall WordCamp Miami, and all camps in general are a very nice opportunity to shape your skills, learn new ones, know people, networking and get Job Opportunities.

A very Special Thanks to David Bisset and Ptah Dunbar for 10 years of WordCamp Miami, and obviously the rest of organizers and volunteers that made WordCamp Miami one of my favourite camps!

Thank You!

If you liked what I wrote and find it useful in some way, I consume large amounts of coffee.😊:

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