My Experience at WCCR

Author: Alfredo Navas

I can say that the first WordCamp San Jose, Costa Rica was a success, we had the influx of about 220 people, who enjoyed a day of talks, not only WordPress but also about the latest trends in design, social networks and Especially JS (REST API WordPress), the visitors could also take advantage of gifts from the sponsors, in general the event to be the first was a success.

But personally it could have been better, starting with my big mistake when printing the batch and not notice that the track of developer did not agree with the information, the worst after bragging about my design, one of the speakers tells me "Look but this is bad" ... as we say in Latin American "Tragame Tierra".

Then when it was the turn to give my talk just before starting, my computer starts to fail, I had a back-up but I knew that the latest version was in my computer that brought the animations to make my presentation fun, then I borrowed one Computer to do the practical part because my old mac was agonizing, but as Murphy's Law says "If anything can go wrong, it will", the computer did not run JavaScript so I could not do the practical part.

After apologizing, I finished my presentation, now to continue with my own tasks of the Camp, everything moved perfectly, the talks flowed, the lunch hour arrived, unfortunately the person in charge did not measure the waiting time, although the Food was rich the waiting time was too much, and had to change some talks at the last minute. Which confused many of the participant, but the talks continued for the rest of the afternoon.

It was very enriching to see how big the WordPress community is in Costa Rica, the interest of the people to learn, and as it is part of our culture, also the people that only dedicated to criticize, this whole, plus the work of the Team, Mhack, Keka, Linda and above all the work of Roberto Remedios the Lead Organizer, sponsors, speakers and participants made it possible for Costa Rica to have its first WordCamp.

See you at the WordCamp San José 2017!

If you liked what I wrote and find it useful in some way, I consume large amounts of coffee.😊:

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